CHEMOPORT placement for venous access.
VEIL- for inguinal lymphadenectomy.
VATS Esophageal resections and reconstructions.
Selective and Super Selective Neck dissections for Head and Neck cancers.
Endoscopic procedures: Fibrooptic Bronchoscopy, Upper GI endoscopy and Colonoscopy.
Colposcopy and cervical Screening.
Intraoperative brachycatheter insertions and Vaginal brachytherapy device placement.
Skin cancer - MMS and node dissections.
Male Genetalia Conserving procedure for penile cancers.
Musculoskelatal and Soft tissue cancer resections and Modular prosthetic reconstructions.
Laparoscopic Pelvic Oncology services including partial and total pelvic exentrations.
Peritoneal surface malignancies(PSM’s)- Peritonectomies and Intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
Laparoscopic Gynecological surgeries for Uterine , Cervical, vulval cancers.
Laparoscopic Embryological resections for Upper and Lower GI oncology cancers.
HIPEC( Hyper thermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) & PIPAC for stage III/IV ovarian, gastric and colonic cancers.
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy, cystectomy and RPLND for testicular tumors.
Complex and Comprehensive Head and Neck surgeries for Oral cavity, Laryngeal and Thyroid cancers with Cosmetic reconstructive procedures.
Surgery for Benign and malignant Endocrine disorders like adrenal incidentaloma, Pheochromocytoma.
Breast Oncology services like Sentinel Lymphnode biopsies(SLNB), Axillary reverse Mapping(ARM)
Mastectomy procedure for breast cancers.
Oncoplastic Breast cancer procedures.
Teaching and Research activities.
National faculty for NEET - SS surgical oncology courses.